
The first objective is to create a lexicographical database tailored for the Niger-Congo B languages, allowing for batch uploads to Wikidata. This database will store specific linguistic data, reflect the language family's grammatical nuances, and be easily converted for Wikidata uploads. The second objective is to design two gamified interfaces to broaden user participation and enhance data collection for Niger-Congo B languages, including unique features like noun classes. The core research question is how these interfaces motivate contributions compared to the current Wikidata platform. Our steps include identifying key components for user engagement, developing these interfaces as web applications, and testing their effectiveness against the existing Wikidata interface.

Afrilex Database Application

AfriLex is a specialized lexicographical database designed to enhance Wikidata's coverage of Niger-Congo B languages, including Bantu, by facilitating the collection, refinement, and batch upload of linguistic data.

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Below is the list of documents produced during the project.

University of Cape Town
Department of Computer Science

Supervisor: A/Prof Maria Keet
Second Reader: Prof Hussein Suleman

AfriLex - Tadiwa Magwenzi (mgwtad001@myuct.ac.za)
Word Safari - Zahraa Hoosen (hsnzah008@myuct.ac.za)