We first provided an overview of knowledge representation and reasoning, introducing how propositional logic is utilised for expressing and representing such reasoning. We then distinguished between classical reasoning and defeasible reasoning using practical examples. The challenges of comprehending conclusions drawn from bother classical and defeasible reasoning are highlighted, and the role of justifica- tions in explaining these entailments and aiding user understanding is discussed. We also addresse this need by presenting algorithms that compute justifications for classical and the KLM-style Rational Closure variant of defeasible entailmen.
The KLMDEETool serves as a rudimentary solution for simple defeasible justification suitable for straightforward knowledge bases. Enhancements to the tool's scalability and efficiency are viable improvements. A comprehensive assessment of the tool's performance would provide insight into its limitations. Such assessments should consider factors such as the size of the knowledge base, the intricacies associated with identifying justifications, and various adjustable parameters of the tool. The KLMDEETool can be extended further to other defeasible reasoning formalisms such as Lexicographic Closure and Relevant Closure.
The logical operations can also be modified and tested with bigger knowledge bases and complex queries. Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and tools could also be employed to provide more robust explanations, perhaps in a user's chosen language.
- Explored the relevant theory for defeasible reasoning, forcused on justifications for KLM-style Rational Closure.
- Developed the software tool for defeasible reasoning.
- Explored the relevant theory for classical reasoning, forcused on justification-based explanations.
- Developed the software tool for classical reasoning.