Back-End Services for Social Engineering Prevention Training Tool

Inorder to aid in the development of social engeineering and training and prevention tools, backend services were created to store the SEADMv2 model and provide public access to it. Services to allow for changed to be made to the model were also created.

A database model was created to store the SEADMv2 in a manner which allows for applications to traverse to the model given only the information retrieved from the database. A web-API service was created inorder to provide public access to the database. And a visualization tool was created to both visualize the SEADMv2 as well as allow for structural changes to the model to be made.

Project Goals

The aim of the project was to develop 3 major elements that made up the back-end services to aid in the development of social engineering and prevention tools:

  • A database to store the SEADMv2
  • A web-API to provide access to the database
  • A visualization tool to visualize the model and make changes to it


The development of the 3 elements listed above yielded the following outcomes:

  • A database structure was successfully developed to store the SEADMv2 in a manner which allowed for applications to traverse it.
  • The web-API was successfully developed to provide public access to the to database
  • The visualization tool was developed, however due to limitations with the visualization libraries used, the editing functionality could not be fully developed.