Say that you initially have a certain set of beliefs, but later come into contact with new information that contradicts one or more of those beliefs. Propositional logic, a paradigm way of modelling such beliefs, provides no guidance as to what to now believe. So to answer this question, propositional logic should be extended. The AGM approach to belief revision and the KM approach to belief update are two separate approaches to such an extension. The distinction between the two is that belief revision is taken to be appropriate when learning new information about an unchanging world, while belief update is appropriate when learning of the world that it has undergone new changes.
In the AI community the relevance of non-classical extensions to propositional logic, such as the KM approach to belief update, is often held to be that they model a certain flexibility of reasoning found in human reasoning, a flexibility that the AI community would like to incorporate in their work. However, the rules governing the extensions are often proposed simply on the basis that they seem reasonable. Such is the case in the KM approach to belief update, which proposes eight properties governing the non-classical part of the logic. The purpose of this part of the project was to test the extent to which these properties conform to human reasoning.
A survey was developed using Google forms, which was completed by workers on Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Respondents were to complete three tasks: