Ontology-based text annotation and automated question specification for
Smart Textbooks Question generation

Creating smart textbooks by integrating ontologies with plain digital textbooks


Creating smart textbooks by integrating ontologies with plain digital textbooks. In this project, we made use of ontologies for ontology-based text annotation and automated question generation.

Text annotation is done by extracting terms from the ontology and matching these to phrases in the textbooks' text. These matches are then displayed to the user as a defintion of the term and related concepts. More details can be found here.

Automated question generation is a part of natural language generation and uses features of the ontology to complete templates for various question types. This requires specific features to exist in the ontology so that generated questions appear natural and make sense. More details can be found here.


Our Project

We developed two components for this project: a text annotation platform, Lodestar, and an automated question specification.

The Team


Kyle Robbertze

Text Annotation

Kyle developed the text annotation system, Lodestar.


Steve Wang

Automated Question Generation

Steve developed the specification required for automated question generation.